The History & Relevancy Project aims to connect Carpinteria State Beach with its local community in three ways. Firstly, we create and give tours of the environmental and cultural history of Carpinteria State Beach to begin dialogue about local history and why it matters. In so doing, we hope to cater activities and interpretation in the Visitors Center to reflect these dialogues. Finally, in fostering community connection, we hope to create a network of volunteers to continue creating, curating, and communicating local history with the local community.

Environmental Projects in Carpinteria
By Nicky Rehnberg
My main objective for conducting this research and tour is to help visiting communities understand the cultural environmental history of the local and regional area.
To do so, we want students to understand the following:
- Carpinteria is a confluence point for many migrating bodies.
- Through that migration, Carpinteria has been home to many different humans and animals.
- Carpinteria is a place of colonialism and capitalism and still participates in those practices.
- Because of these practices, environmental degradation has changed the landscape for better and worse.
- Ultimately, we want to foster environmental scientific and historic critical thinking.